Wednesday, November 25, 2009


July 1st was my last blog entry? really? Wow. My apologies to everyone who followed. Things began picking up and I had to put down the blog. But now I am BACK! And with a Bruce Willis type of vengeance. You know, the kind that ends up all bloodied and full of drunken humor. Hmmm, maybe not. Anywho, here is your post for today!

The name of this film is "Avatar". It's about a guy who infiltrates an alien race of people who are settled on land that means alot to the government.
I know what your saying. "That sounds VERY familiar." Well check it out.

Ok, after watching the trailer, you are probably thinking the same thing these guys were thinking.

I think this was pretty right on. James Cameron actually got PAID to do this? Seriously? Honestly. What does it take to get a job as a director? I got an idea.
How about this. The stock market crashes, people are out of jobs! The crime rate goes up exponentially! People are in fear of losing even LOW paying jobs! Then the kicker, taxpayers are FORCED to pay the bankers and financial analysts who are responsible for this mess BONUSES!
There will be twists and turns in the plot as high profile media experts get involved! Such as Rush Limbaugh and even the PRESIDENT! Christmas will come and unemployment will reach 12 percent nationwide! Hollywood will continue to churn out disaster movie after disaster movie in hopes of profiting off of those who actually HAVE jobs.
Wait a THAT sounds familiar. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Real Rap

Malice of the Clipse breaks it down for the youth.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Locked Up Abroad

This is an incredible view into what it is like to be imprisoned over seas. There IS a small twist to the story. It kind of hits close to home. Check it out.
Thanks to National Geographic for the video.

Previously Unreleased footage of Michael Jackson in 1996

Michael hears allegations for the first time of sexual assault.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009